Vernon Hendrickson

Vernon Hendrickson

Vernon Hendrickson

[Note: The following is an unedited version of the candidate’s own words]

Vernon Hendrickson  a long time resident of  Vaughan officially filed his nomination papers on Friday 2nd July , 2010, and became the fifth candidate for  Councillor to run in Ward the upcoming Municipal Election on October 25th 2010.

Hendrickson was born in the Caribbean State of St. Kitts-Nevis. He emigrated to Canada as a young man and studied Political Science and Philosophy at York University.   After receiving his B.A.Honours in Political Science he became involved in the Federal Liberal Party , and represented the former Liberal candidate Elinor Caplan as Vic-President, and Acting President for over a decade.

He has been living in Thornhill for over 20 years and has been recognized for a number of initiatives, including the founding of the Thornhil African Caribbean Canadian Association which was formed in  the year 2005.  Hendrickson is an avid volunteer in his community  and for his selfless contributions he has been recognized by of Maurizio Bevilacqua,  former  Prime Minister Jean Chretien , and Queen Elizabeth II.  In 2002 he received the Queen’s Jubilee Medal on the occasion of her 50 th Anniversary accession to the throne.  He has also received recognition awards  from  Maurizio Bevilacqua and the late Lorna Jackson former Mayor of Vaughan during her first term of office.

He  practices what he preaches  because he believes in the quote by Einstein “Only a life lived for others is worth living.”

On a wintry  day in 1987 Hendrickson spotted an elderly female in need of help standing on the side of the road.He turned his vehicle around to see if he could assist her, and learned that the lady needed to take her ailing husband to the hospital, and could not take him herself.  He politely offered to help her.

In the days that followed a package arrived at his office and in that package was a plaque  that read that the family had made a generous donation  of a substantial amount of money to Bar-Illa University in his name for his extraordinary kindness.


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