Tag Archives: Mario Ferri

So this is the way it would end

5 May

MP JULIAN FANTINO’s softer side was seldom portrayed in media coverage of his often-stoic, no-nonsense campaign. Vaughan Today photographer Agnes Ramos captured this moment as Fantino campaigned door to door in Woodbridge.

The federal election just past is one for the history books. What started out as an expensive exercise no political party seemed willing to take responsibility for spawning — not to mention having no readily apparent aim, drive or direction — ended up rewriting the electoral map in Canada.

It was not without its drama, either. Not insignificant were some garish examples of major media outlets (CBC with the bogus Conservatives-fleeing-Fantino-camp tale in Vaughan; the Toronto Sun with its tawdry story masquerading as a Jack Layton exposé in Toronto) that blurred the lines between reporting and activism.

As it turned out, neither of the stories had much beyond the accusatory headlines, and neither Julian Fantino nor Layton were any the worse for wear in the end. In fact, Fantino won the Vaughan riding with a whopping 56.3 percent of the vote, and became part of the story of the night on Monday as Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservatives rolled to their first majority. Layton survived to lead a breathtaking orange onslaught that vaulted the NDP into the position of official Opposition.

The adage that all politics is local didn’t hold true any better here than it did in most ridings across Canada. Incumbent Conservatives Fantino and, in Thornhill, Peter Kent were no doubt buoyed by the Blue Wave that swept 167 seats into the Harper fold. And their respective Liberal challengers, Mario Ferri and Dr. Karen Mock, surely lost ground on two fronts they could not possibly have fought: the national apathy toward the Liberal party and the impossible late-campaign NDP surge that impacted races everywhere.

The NDP phenomenon ballooned the perennially third-place party’s take to 102 seats, delivering a plethora of unlikely MPs in ridings across Canada. It was particularly felt in Quebec where it decimated the Bloc Quebecois, leaving that separatist party with a mere four seats.

In Vaughan, it manifested itself in no-show NDP candidate Mark Pratt collecting an astonishing 7,950 votes. Not bad for a media-shy candidate who provided no contact information, put in no appearances, posted no election signs and handed out no literature! In Thornhill, Simon Strelchik finished a distant third, as he did in 2008, but this time he almost doubled his vote count, getting 7,106.

So what lessons did we learn from the exercise? Beyond the obvious one that pistol-whipped Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff and Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe learned about being careful what you wish for, that is!

The once-proud Liberal party, complete with its understood divine right to rule, was reduced to a mere shadow of itself (34 seats). Its lock on the riding of Vaughan, which Fantino first broke in a narrow November byelection victory, is clearly a thing of the past. Perhaps Ignatieff did the right thing in stepping down after the drubbing his party took on Monday night (and losing his own seat in the process), but to blame him for the result is to give no credit to the parties that did win.

I did not sense, based on the couple of stops he made in Vaughan, that Ignatieff was doing such a terrible job connecting with the people. Ferri and Mock were both credible candidates, and the faithful who turned out to the rallies I dropped in on were as vibrant and enthusiastic as you’d expect from a Liberal crowd. I don’t see the result of this election, then, being a matter of the people saying no to one party and its message as much as it was saying yes to another.

The Conservatives succeeded in selling their message, plain and simple.

Harper showed nowhere near the social flair of an Ignatieff (or Layton) at campaign stops. Where other leaders blew into town pumped, in a party mood and ready to get down with the people, Harper made an entrance. And though he didn’t whip the faithful into a giddy frenzy, from his mouth flowed streams of flawless data that, even in the absence of resonance, seemed to compute.

Fantino very much reflected his party’s stoic image. While the media and the public alike looked to see more personality, what we saw for the most part was absolute focus on what he deemed to be priorities. Like his party in general, he soldiered on with his message and would not be sidetracked by grenades lobbed at him or barbs from a media that wasn’t always private in its discomfort with his rigid personality.

Nonetheless, I found the sheer efficiency of the Conservative campaign admirable, even if I was not a fan of its austerity. We won’t know now whether Ignatieff as prime minister would have created a kinder, gentler climate, but I wouldn’t argue very enthusiastically that Harper is not, of those available, the best CEO we could have chosen to run the business of the country.

The NDP didn’t exactly come from nowhere to supplant the Liberals as the official Opposition. Under Layton’s dynamic leadership they were going to be players anyway, even in third place. Where their fortunes turned, though, was in the French-language leaders debate. Quebec voters have traditionally gone after carrots en masse. Layton, who is no stranger to charm or to fantastic promises, was able to articulate it well enough in French to dazzle the electorate right out from under Duceppe, whose own promises were not going to be coming to pass any time soon.

And then the Greens won a seat, with party leader Elizabeth May finally finding a province, a riding and an occasion that was just enough this side of impossible to win.

Yes indeed, it’s been one for the history books. I can’t imagine what kind of story would have to develop to see the fall provincial election in Ontario top that!

— Dan Hoddinott

No F in ‘CBC’, but one in ‘Fail’

14 Apr

Vaughan MP Julian Fantino at a recent media scrum in Woodbridge. CBC reporters sourced local activists to advance a story suggesting impropriety about VHCC funding caused Conservative departures.

That’s not Igg the CBC has on its face today, though a mindless story it hurled onto the Web on Wednesday, suggesting resignations from the Conservative riding association here were based on impropriety by Vaughan incumbent Julian Fantino, moved along the viral trail all the way up to Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, who found the lure irresistible.

That’s egg, and it drips rather well, considering they got suckered by a combination of activist zeal and questionable journalism.

But enough about them. The story is a problem for Vaughan’s image — more so than for Fantino’s, I would wager — because it presented the national media with the something-smarmy-in-Vaughan-politics story they expected to find in this campaign. And given the viral nature of the Internet, and some media outlets’ desire to grab and repeat rather than produce original content, away it went.

The story named two prominent community activists — Richard Lorello and Tracey Kent — who told the reporters they resigned from the riding association due to moral outrage about who may stand to get their hands on some of the $10 million in federal funds Fantino attracted for the Vaughan Health Campus of Care project.

Well, actually, Kent had already resigned, due to a self-confessed conflict about Fantino accepting the endorsement of former Liberal rival Tony Genco. At least a week earlier I was in receipt of her “open letter” of resignation (which seems to be the popular way of bowing out around here this year).

“Due to the recent undertaking with Liberal Tony Genco, I can no longer be a member of the Vaughan Conservative Association,” she said in the letter, dated simply April 2011. “My values do not shift overnight, nor can be compromised. So it was with great disappointment to see my own riding association and representative, take advantage of a man who is clearly in personal distress about his true values, and use it for political spin.”

The CBC story failed to point out that both the subjects and the primary sources for the story are, in fact, the same activists who happen to be intimately engaged and very publicly active in keeping watch over who is doing what in regards to the development of a new hospital in Vaughan. They are not impartial witnesses. Anyone with a Twitter account and a #vaughan hash tag — or a Vaughan driveway that receives weekly Metroland drops — would have known that those sources have vested interests.

Lorello takes issue with the fact that two men connected with the VHCC — Michael DeGasperis and Sam Ciccolini — also worked as fundraisers for Fantino’s successful byelection run in November. That’s fair. A resignation in the absence of wrongdoing having yet occurred strikes me as a little extreme, but I get his point.

However, at the time of the funding announcement Fantino was up front with Vaughan Today reporter Tristan Carter, and I presume other news outlets that contacted him, about it being earmarked for VHCC infrastructure, and not the hospital itself. And as far as I’m concerned, finding out now that he has had dealings with people involved in the project is not the same as having made a breathtaking discovery of some new racket going down. What are we expected to do — insist that a medical development we’ve desparately needed be put on hold until we can elect a politician who can both a) attract government funding, and b) demonstrate that he has had no previous associations with any of the players involved in the development?

Vaughan has a formidable army of watchdogs who can follow the money. Lorello is not the least among them. In fact, he might even be the best. He has the tools, the drive and the understanding to hold people accountable. And he exhibits a willingness to be held accountable for anything he says and does himself. I have every confidence that he could follow the $10 million from start to finish, knowing all the while whether the rules are followed, and if the plans and schedules are on target. (Or, if they’re off, by precisely how much!)

That Fantino has had relationship with persons connected to projects for which he has just attracted government funding is not a news story. Not for us. Not for the CBC. Not for the Toronto Star. It is simply the way the process works — here and everywhere else, regardless of the riding, regardless of who the Member of Parliament may be and regardless of which party happens to be in power. Perhaps Lorello was quick to blow the whistle, because no wrongdoing has taken place merely on the basis of the funding having arrived. It’s when the money starts to disappear, or when nothing has appeared by the project’s due date, that you have a problem.

That the CBC has taken this story, spun it oddly and deceptively, and run with it — all the way to Ignatieff — disappoints me greatly. It is especially disconcerting in light of their inability to get either Mario Ferri, who is the local Liberal candidate in this race, or MPP Greg Sorbara (also a Liberal) to even mention any perceived impropriety in their comments.

The recklessness continued today. I cringed when I saw how they exposed a potential prime minister (Ignatieff) by soliciting comment on a thin story he could not possibly validate on the spot. Unlike Fantino, who had handed them their hats, Ignatieff took the bait.

“The fact that someone resigned from his inner campaign circle indicates, you know, real doubts within the Conservative camp as to the appropriateness of this bit of government largesse to help a Conservative candidate,” Ignatieff responded, as one might expect, to a CBC reporter.

You didn’t know Vaughan was so readily on the minds of the nation’s leaders, did you? I would expect that, until Fantino’s name was invoked in the leaders’ debate on Tuesday night, the CBC didn’t, either.

I am affronted both as a citizen of Vaughan and on a professional level. In spite of the optics, though, this may not be an agenda-driven story. It could very well be just a matter of lazy reporters not bothering to dig beyond the easy source. In fact, if I had to make a call based on examining the story as evidence, I would lean toward sloppy reporting being the genesis. But in journalism, laziness is as lethal as venom.

The one word I can reach for without effort to summarize the CBC job is this: Fail.

— Dan Hoddinott

Ignatieff stop energizes Ferri’s faithful

10 Apr

Liberal candidate Mario Ferri, left, takes a moment at Saturday's festivities to pose with Danny Santilli and his 10-year-old son Christian, of Woodbridge.

An apparent snubbing of a young local reporter should not be what is remembered about Michael Ignatieff’s campaign stop in Vaughan on Saturday. So minor was the incident itself, occurring near the end as Ignatieff was preparing to board the bus, that it might have gone unnoticed altogether were it not for the strange juxtaposition of rhetoric and its implied contradiction.

The Liberal leader was only moments removed from milking, to the delight of the partisan crowd, the perception of Prime Minister Stephen Harper as a control freak for placing limitations on the number of questions the media can pose at campaign events — and declaring that he, himself, would answer any and all questions from the media.

But that’s Ignatieff’s personal row to hoe. It should not overshadow the remarkable job he did to energize the local faithful, and to boost the spirits and the fortunes of Mario Ferri, who is trying to unseat Conservative Julian Fantino in Vaughan.

Drawn quite naturally by the star power of Ignatieff himself, hundreds turned out to Ferri’s community barbecue and to mingle with other Liberal party luminaries at the candidate’s Weston and Rutherford headquarters. And Ignatieff didn’t disappoint. Rock star or travelling evangelist, he could easily have been mistaken for either. His presence ratcheted up the excitement level at a party that already was in full swing when his entourage arrived.

While I find the classical ceremony, prepared and flawless choreography, and the implied dignity of the Harper-Fantino approach impressive in its own right, the Liberals turned my head by living rather than merely reciting their message on Saturday. And in this absence of austerity, none of the devoted seemed compelled to fall down in solemn worship when Ignatieff arrived; they wanted his autograph instead!

That, to me, is the sharpest contrast between the two front-running parties as the May 2 federal election draws near. Both are convinced that they have ultimate truth, and that the opponent is in grave error, but the only thing the observer knows for sure is how their convictions are evidenced in the way they live. (The warmth of joy is pleasing to experience, but that is not to say there is no meaning in reverent solemnity.)

Ignatieff was clearly in his element in that festive environment. And substance of the message delivered (and validity of charges leveled against his foes) aside, the juiced up faithful left inspired and reassured.

As for the matter of his brushing off the cub reporter at the end, it bears mentioning that a memo had gone out to all the media on Friday, declaring the event to be a photo-op only, with no question-and-answer period. That said, Ignatieff sort of undid the memo in his pumped-up sermon.

The kid can be forgiven for not realizing he might be breaching protocol. And, just on a human level, he deserved better than to have the Old Man he just approached (dignitary, idol, messiah or whatever) turn away from him as though he wasn’t there. The requirements of a good citizen dictate that.

— Dan Hoddinott

Hear ye, hear ye: Reminder, Vaughan debates on Rogers TV tonight!

17 Oct

The Rogers TV regional council and mayoral debates will air TONIGHT, Oct. 17 on Rogers TV York Region.

7:00 PM – Candidates for Mayor in The City of Vaughan debate the issues.
8:00 PM – Candidates for three Regional Councillor positions in Vaughan debate the issues.

I’ve heard through the grapevine that these pre-recorded debates were lively and at times heated.

Tune in tonight to watch your candidates duke it out.

Now, I am not entirely positive about which channel(s) these will turn up on on your TV. I think (now, don’t get mad if I’ve got this wrong!) that Rogers York Region is on channels 10 and 63. (That’s on their website.)

Since I don’t at present live north of Steeles, I have a sinking suspicion that my Cable 10 won’t be showing this debate. So, if you can record and upload, or fill me in later, I’d appreciate it!


Sign City?

12 Oct

With less than two weeks to go before the election, the sign wars are in full swing around Vaughan. We went out and shot a sampling in Ward 5, where a variety of colours (and potential political affiliations) are well represented. With some candidates complaining of sign tampering, the colourful election materials have become a hot issue. What do you think readers: Do signs make a difference in terms of which candidate you choose? Which ones catch your eye? Are you sick of them by now? Leave us your comments!


(Note: your email address is required, but will not be published)

Is change in the air? Incumbents see no advantage at regional council debate

8 Oct


Regional council hopefuls duke it at a debate Thursday

Regional council hopefuls duke it at a debate Thursday


(Note: Post updated Oct 12 — see below)

By Josh Freeman

The so-called incumbents’ advantage was nowhere to be seen last night as regional and local councillors Joyce Frustaglio, Gino Rosati and Mario Ferri found themselves vulnerable to attack in a debate with nine rivals jockeying for their jobs.

About 150 people packed Vellore Village Community Centre in Woodbridge to check out 12 of the 13 candidates in a three-hour debate hosted by the Vaughan Citizen and The Vaughan Social Action Council.

Although the first hour of the debate was fairly tame, with candidates sounding off on questions about improving services for kids with mental health issues and increasing affordable housing in the city, it began to pick up when a question was posed about transit services for seniors.

Frustaglio and Rosati both pointed to Metrolinx and the region as the arbiter of such problems, with Rosati adding he supports full free access to transit services for seniors and students. Their comments, however, were fodder for Deb Schulte, who followed.

“It’s nice to hear our incumbents actually saying they’re going to make a difference. It’s too bad very little has been done up to now,” Schulte said. “Why can’t our seniors ride around for free outside of rush hour now? Our buses are riding around almost empty anyhow. It shouldn’t be an issue,” she quipped to applause from the audience.

Things continued to get rocky for the incumbents. Asked about traffic problems in the city, Frustaglio lamented gridlock as an issue that exists everywhere and will never be solved. Richard Lorello seized on the comments:

“Well, you heard your answer from at least a couple of your members of council right now … They have no solutions. The problem is everywhere, so we’ve got to live with it too,” he said.

However, the most heated comments were reserved for a question about what candidates would do to stop the political theatrics that have dogged the city for the past four years.

Citizens embarrassed

To applause, Schulte said the past four years have been a disgrace that has left citizens embarrassed to say they’re from Vaughan.

Rosati, who spoke next, said he did his best under difficult circumstances and that the troubles of the last few years had actually brought council closer together.

“Some of the issues people have been referring to have been beyond the control of some of us. Hopefully all of that should be behind us and will be resolved.”

Frustaglio more bluntly blamed Mayor Linda Jackson.

“When you have a good leader, you create good followers. It is unfortunate we did not have a good leader the past four years,” she said to an immediate round of boos and heckles from the audience. “I’m going to continue to be the very best representative this city has ever had.”

To boot, her comments earned her a chastisement from the moderator, who reminded her of the ground rules forbidding speakers from maligning others.

Ferri said the city needed to have more of a team approach, but stopped short of making any apologies for the last four years.

Other challengers echoed Schulte’s sentiments.

“Whoever is voted in is in your team and you support that team,” said John Ross Harvey. Domenic Del Luca added there should be a recall mechanism for councillors.

Note: The original version of this post incorrectly attributed comments by John Ross Harvey to Robert Craig. The mistake was corrected within hours, but for the record, Craig responded to the same question with the following:

A lot of the problems that we’ve had with this previous council is that last election they ran on a  slate if nine. Everyone got on except for one person. Now for these eight people to come forward and ask the new mayor to resign and think that their opinion outweighs the 26,800 people that voted last election is absurd… council should have respected what the citizens of Vaughan voted for and got.

Joanna Cacciola-Lionti said, “that day (when council asked Jackson to resign) was truly a day when Vaughan was disgraced… If you think she’s unfit, why aren’t you running for mayor?”

No clear winner, but incumbents didn’t impress

Although there was no clear winner, random audience members said afterwards they were variously impressed with Schulte, all challengers, and none of the incumbents.

The debate was at times stymied by its format, which had candidates passing a microphone from one to another to answer questions in 30-60 second allotments. Because of the sheer number of candidates to get through, each one generally stuck to his/her points without addressing one another’s comments, making it feel at times more like a class presentation than a debate. Speakers also had their microphones cut off when they had reached time, ruling out the possibility of off-the-cuff discussions.

The audience was allowed to contribute questions by writing them down and dropping them in a box at the back of the room by 8pm. Although there was a full box of questions, time only allowed for three or four to be asked. The result was a furious outburst by mayoral candidate, Savino Quatela, who jumped from his seat near the end of the debate and repeatedly screamed “scandal.” He had to be verbally subdued by the firm voice of moderator Daniele Zanotti, CEO of the United Way of York Region.

Regional council hopefuls set to spar tonight at Vellore Village

7 Oct

The race for regional council could be the hottest of this municipal election in Vaughan. We’ve got three incumbents clinging to their seats with 10 hopefuls — including a former mayor and several long-time candidates, a former trustee and some council watchdogs — vying to overtake them.

Thanks to our media friends the Vaughan Citizen and its community links panel who are hosting a regional council debate tonight. It’s your chance to see the candidates go head-to-head: Where do they stand on the issues? What’s their vision for Vaughan? How do they carry themselves? Who’s got good ideas?

Thursday, Oct. 7 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Vellore Village Community Centre, 1 Villa Royale Ave., in the cafetorium.

Daniele Zanotti, CEO of the United Way of York Region, has been given the daunting task of moderating the large debate (12 of 13 candidates have confirmed attendance, according to organizer Kim Champion.)

Participating candidates: Joanna Cacciola-Lionti, Robert Craig, Domenic De Luca, Michael Di Biase, Mario Di Nardo, Mario Ferri, Joyce Frustaglio, John Ross Harvey, Carrie Liddy, Richard Lorello, Gino Rosati and Deb Schulte.

The panelists will be members of the Vaughan Citizen’s Community Links group and members of the Vaughan Social Action Council. There will also be time for audience questions. If you’ve got a burning query for your regional hopefuls, come on out and put them on the spot.

Please bring a non-perishable food donation for the Vaughan Food Bank.


Stage set for regional councillor candidate debate Oct. 7

30 Sep

This came through the wires yesterday from the Vaughan Citizen. They are going to host a regional councillor candidate debate on Oct. 7. Here’s the press release in its entirety:


The Vaughan Citizen and its Community Links, together with the Vaughan Social Action Council, present an all-candidates debate for those seeking election at the regional council level in Vaughan.

Three longtime incumbents face challengers such as a former Vaughan mayor, several of Vaughan city hall’s most outspoken critics, as well as first-time candidates and community activists.

A significant portion of Vaughan residents’ tax bill — 48.8 per cent of every dollar — goes to the region, which provides services to more than one million York Region residents. Those services include transportation, housing, family and children’s services, public health, court administration, economic development and tourism, and more. This second-tier regional council is made up of mayors and regional councillors from York Region’s nine municipalities. Members of regional council elect the chairperson. Vaughan has four representatives at the region, three local and regional councillors and the mayor.

WHAT:            All-candidates debate for contenders vying for three local and regional seats in Vaughan’s 2010 municipal election

WHO:            Moderator: Daniele Zanotti, CEO of the United Way of York Region

Participating candidates: Joanna Cacciola-Lionti, Robert Craig, Domenic De Luca, Michael Di Biase, Mario Ferri, Joyce Frustaglio, John Ross Harvey, Carrie Liddy, Richard Lorello, Gino Rosati and Deb Schulte

Panelists: Members of the Vaughan Citizen’s Community Links group and members of the Vaughan Social Action Council

WHERE:            Vellore Village Community Centre, 1 Villa Royale Ave., in the cafetorium. Woodbridge, Ontario

WHEN:            Thursday, Oct. 7 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.

CONTACT:                  Kim Champion, Editor, Vaughan Citizen, Tel: 905-265-4148

(Note: It says “all candidates”. I notice two missing – Mario Di Nardo and Krystof Klabouch. I’ll try to find out if they’ll be there.)

Regional council candidates talk about development

29 Sep

Joshua Freeman caught up with the regional council candidates at the Meet and Greet session Sept. 21. He asked: Places to Grow has targets set for Vaughan’s growth and density. What will you do to ensure responsible development?

Joanna Cacciola Lionti

Ensure we don’t continue with urban sprawl that’s not necessary. First, we need to build up what we have and ensure our residents have a city where they can work, play, learn in and enjoy. Right now we don’t have that. … We need to protect the environment. Before anybody touches (protected lands), there has to be justification.

Robert Craig

Density numbers in Places To Grow have to be supported with infrastructure improvements. We can’t keep growing the city without providing essential services, like a hospital and proper roads. Putting homes here and nothing else just won’t work.

Dominic De Luca

I would encourage future residential intensification on sites that provide direct access to city, regional, Metrolinx transit routes. … Thatwould hopefully alleviate any future gridlock and traffic congestion.

Michael DiBiase

You have to make sure that what is approved is what the community wanted. … You have to have patience and listen to everybody. We cannot have the densities the region wants us to build.

Mario Di Nardo

Development needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis. We need to ensure that nothing is overbuilt, that they don’t go past the targets

Mario Ferri

There’s a phasing and staging component to identify criteria to be met before development happens—availability of services, type of housing. (We) need to have work-live situations—balancing employment opportunities with residential, making sure we implement pedestrian and cycling paths, integrating transit for the community and of course making sure there’s also social health services in the area so we’re not just building structures, but building communities.

Joyce Frustaglio

I want to ensure the corridors that have been identified for intensification are dealt with first. It’s important we ensure those corridors are intensified because that will play a major role in assisting rapid transit.

Richard Lorello

Transit is always an afterthought. … Public transit capacity has to be tied to development at the beginning of the planning process.

Gino Rosati

I’ll ensure development occurs in a reasonable fashion and that we don’t overlook one part over the other. I don’t believe we should put a priority on high density while forgetting other types of development like low density.

Carrie Liddy

The big missing part of the official plan is that they never developed an economic plan to go along with it. It should be put on hold until the economic plan is done.

John Ross Harvey

The higher densities need to be in the core of the city. That’s Hwy 7, Jane Street, Yonge Street. It is not Major Mackenzie, not Rutherford, it’s not Weston Road. It has to be right where the core is going to be. Vaughan Metropolitan Centre is the perfect place for it.

Deb Schulte

I’m probably going to be appealing the Vaughan Official Plan because it doesn’t actually follow the spirit of Places to Grow. There are numbers missing, which means there’s intensification that will occur, that is planned for and it’s not being recognized or accounted for … We need to make sure that if we have intensification, we plan for it. And if you do plan for it, we don’t need the urban boundary expansion.

Krystof Klabouch

Ed. Note: Krystof Klabouch did not attend the Meet and Greet session nor respond to a phone message by press time.

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